Can Government Legislation Reduce Your Debt By Up To 85%?

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Are you £6000+ in debt? Find out now if an IVA can help you on the path to being completely DEBT FREE.


IVA: The Benefits
Debt free in 5-7 years
Remainder of debts included in the IVA written off at the end of the agreed term. (You will still have to pay any debts which are not part of the IVA)
A single monthly payment
Interest and charges frozen
Creditor contact and further action stopped
Your IVA will be reviewed regularly to identify any change in circumstances


Click here for more information on IVAs

There are no fees to pay for this process and any advice is offered without obligation.
A qualified debt expert will go through a detailed interview with you to see which is the most suitable debt solution.
There may be fees to pay with certain services, however, you will be made aware of these fees before entering any debt solution.



*Please note: by filling in our contact form, your details are recorded on our customer database. We do not give out this information to anyone however we may contact you with marketing material which you can unsubscribe from at any time.*

Alternatively, call our offices on 01392 429 060.

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Helping People with a range of solutions…

Following the initial assessment, if an IVA is not suitable to your situation,
there may be other services which can help you such as a
Debt Management Plan (DMP). a Debt Relief Order (DRO) or Bankruptcy.
With a DMP, we agree reduced payments and can freeze interest payments with thousands of different creditors.
We deal with all types of unsecured debt, such as credit cards, payday loans, store cards and overdrafts.


Example of how a DMP could help turn multiple payments into an affordable single monthly repayment.

Before On a DMP
Total Debt £15,551* One Payment
Number of Debts 7* Reduced Pressure from Creditors
Unaffordable repayments Interest Charges often Frozen
Creditor pressure Professional Representation
Extending credit Protocol Compliant
Single Repayment £147


*Figures quoted using averages of InControl clients.


Debt Management Plan Protocol Approved

for more information about the Debt Management Protocol, click here




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professional and InControl :)”


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Further Reading


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More about Debt
Management Plans




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More about IVA’s




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Other Solutions







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Important Information

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Impartial Advice
The Governments Money Advice
Service Offer Free, Independent
Debt Advice. To access their useful
Website, click here



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While our initial advice is free
there may be fees to pay depending
on which services you go for. For
details on fees, click here



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Insolvency Service Guide
Before deciding on any debt solution
we recommend reading ‘Dealing with
Debt, 5 things your Should Know’


