Advice for Life

Advice beyond debt

Concerns about money can take many different forms and often have a real effect on both staff and employers. InControl have teamed up with our local Citizens Advice (Exeter) to promote their Advice for Life initiative which helps both staff and by extension, their employers.

A recent study carried out by the Financial Conduct Authority* found that;

  • Half of the UK adult population are potentially financially vulnerable
  • One in six are unable to cope with a £50 per month increase in bills**
  • Around 8 million are over-indebted and only around 17% of those are seeking debt advice

Advice for Life is aimed at taking money worries out of the working environment, helping workers with budgeting and financial skills as well as providing tips on maximising income with benefits advice.

A workforce free from the stress of financial problems at home is a productive workforce.

Advice can be provided over the telephone or in person at InControl Debt Solutions’ offices which are situated at 11-15 Dix’s Field, Exeter, EX1 1QA.




*FCA Financial Lives Study

**Money Advice Press Release